My Half Way Mark with Bikini Body Guide By Kayla Itsines

The Wild Decoelis | My 6 week journey with BBG | Lole Women GiveawayLast month, 7 weeks ago to be exact, I wrote to you as I was about to begin the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide program. Unfortunately, with the rebrand, the post was deleted. But, with me hitting my halfway point, I wanted to keep you in the loop with how it's going 6 weeks in.If you are not familiar with BBG, it is an internet sensation that came out a few year back as 12-week at home workout program catered to women. The whole workout is what is called HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) where you workout in circuits for 7 mins straight, no stopping with only 30-second breaks in between each circuit. It is super effective because not only are you doing strength training moves to help build muscle, but the movements are also working your cardiovascular system demolishing fat. The whole workout only takes 28 mins to complete and is broken down into three workouts a week. That allows it to be easy for any busy professional or mama to fit into their schedule.So, after 6 weeks, I have yet to miss a week.and have only had one week (the one with the stomach flu) where I only did 2 days instead of the 3. With winter here, I haven't been able to get in any walking or running on my days off and we have been slowly changing our diet back to paleo. But, I have been giving it my all on 3 days of workouts.The Wild Decoelis | My 6 week journey with BBG | Before and after photos

So What has Changed 6 weeks into Bikini Bikini Body Guide By Kayla Itsines:

The Scale:

So far the scale has not moved. I am still as heavy as I was when I walked out of the hospital after giving birth to Poppy, BUT, I have gained so much muscle mass over the past 6 weeks that it just goes to show that the scale means nothing when it comes to toning and overall feel.

Clothing Fit:

This workout series is all about toning and focusing on the important parts us women want to show off. My clothing has instead of gotten loose, have changed how they fit all together. My legs and bum have gotten toned and in turn become larger. Amazing news right? Well, pants are now tighter around the thighs and bum then they once were and looser in the waist. I am totally fine with that change. I also have toned my arms and have noticed that some clothing has become too tight in the bicep area if there is no stretch. Again, this is just a part of gaining muscle and once my eating habits change, even more, I'm am sure the sizing will go down.The Wild Decoelis | My 6 week journey with BBG | Before and after front view The Wild Decoelis | My 6 week journey with BBG | Before and after side view


I find the biggest change in how I feel is the energy that I now have. I WANT to be active. I WANT to get out for walks or into my gym clothes for a workout. I have so much more energy to play with the kids and get out and do things. whereas, by New Years, you couldn't drag me off the couch. I am excited to see what the diet change and continuation of working out will bring to that level. Spring is almost here!.


Well, It is the hardest part of winter right now and if you aren't feeling the effects of it on your mental health and confidence then I salute you. I definitely feel better about my body and where I have brought it, even if the changes aren't as noticeable as they would have been doing this program in my 20's, but mix that into low vitamin D, pale skin and a bit of cabin fever, my confidence isn't where I wish it was. I'm sure once we hit 12 weeks, that will all change.Have you tried Kayla Itsines BBG?

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