A Month Later.....The Big Boy Bed

PSX_20150619_213239 PSX_20150619_213144After both Rob and I started having sore backs, and Aubrey was attempting to climb into his crib, we knew it was time to make the switch to a big boy bed. Fortunately for us, that just meant converting his crib by taking off the front rails. That went as smooth as silk. He napped in it for 2 hours minutes after I converted it, and really we have had no major problems.I think that doing this step helps because the environment is the same so he doesn't really notice a huge change.Unfortunately, the crib we chose, didn't come with a toddler half rail so that he can't roll out. But, after finding a flip down crib rail on Amazon, my lack of sleep due to worrying has passed.Now, the only down side to this change is that we have a little wide away Aubrey coming to our room at 6:30 am everyday like clock work. As he comes closer, he says 'Mommy" louder and louder. We did try to stop this by putting a baby gate up at his door. The little smarty pants knows how to open it and when he doesn't remember, he just blows through it. We are morning people so so far its ok in our books, but a Sunday here or there would be nice for a sleep in. Good thing he is cute.Katie Rose xobinary options 2013порно би сексуалыпосуда казанвидеокамера ценаденьги в долг на нссвзять кредит 100 тысячкупить круз в кредиткредит без регистрации


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Aritzia Is The Beginning Of The End.