A Mother's Guilt

JCP_S+B_Wedding-303-2As you know, these past few months, I have been transitioning into a new career. Having always been the parent at home with Aubrey, taking care of drop offs and pick ups while Rob always was away on the road for work, I took advantage of those mornings and evenings with Aubrey. Now the table has turned. Rob is rocking his job and is now the parent in charge of bedtime rituals, while I work until late in the evenings around the province. It has become harder than I thought. Aubrey can be stressful at times, but now that I'm not there as much, I miss it so much. I feel an overwhelming guilt for not being the mother and wife I'm supposed to be. Gone are the days of the mom staying home with the children and holding down the house. Nowadays, we families need those 2 incomes and I can't help but feel for all you working moms out there who do the night gig to support your family. Rob is an amazing Dad, and is taking on this new role perfectly, but as a mother, we feel like we should be the ones there for EVERYTHING. As soon as that is taken away from us, we lose a sense of control. I hate this feeling and hope that this period of change will be fast passing. But until then, I can pride myself in supporting our little family. In the end, that is all that matters.The other bad part of this job is the fact that I don't have time to blog. Working on the road for 12 hours a day, sometimes 6 days a week, Wildrosebuds.com is the last thing on my mind. Please know that this doesn't mean I am giving up. I LOVE blogging. I just need some time and patience to find a new normal and new schedule to fit my passions into my must do's. Hang in there to all you readers struggling at the moment with your own personal juggles. We are here for you!Katie Rose xoрейтинг сайта в гуглераскрутка сайта в поисковиках цены2011 bmw 5 series car coverнакидка Maybachцентральный офис хоум кредитэкспресс кредит 1000000петрокоммерц кредиткупить круз в кредит


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