An Update On My Health

The Wild Decoelis | An Update On My HealthWith all this talk about Aubrey, his health, and the many doctors and changes he's been going through, my health took a dive. As moms, we are just expected to feel exhausted and out of shape. So, when I had gained a bunch of weight over the winter, and couldn't get it off, I just shrugged it off to having two kids. When I started to have daily naps, something I have never done before, I blamed it on the extra weight I had on. The dark circles were blamed on binge-watching Netflix until late at night.I mean, I know I didn't feel right. After finishing the BBG 12-week program and feeling worse than before I knew something else was up. But, as a busy mom, Aubrey's appointments were more important and I kept saying that I didn't have time to go to the doctors.Finally, after drinks out with a girlfriend and complaining to her about the slow going weight loss, she snapped me out of not taking care of myself and I finally booked in to see my doctor. I knew that I needed to get a blood test done. After talking to my doctor, we decided to test my thyroid as thyroid issues run in my family. We also tested my hormone levels because, after kids, they can get all out of whack. and Lastly, she tested for the routine things like pregnancy, iron, etc.A few days later, I was called to book in to see her again and discuss the results of my blood test. My mind like always naturally went to the worst case scenarios and I was worried all week leading up to the appointment. The day came and when I went in, the results were better than I thought, but I am borderline Anemic.With my sister being just shy of graduating as a Holistic Nutritionist, I turned to her to help. I haven't loved the texture of red meat since being pregnant with Poppy but needed to find a way to get my iron stores up. It takes about 3 months of taking an iron supplement twice a day to build them back up to where they should be. But, my sister also pointed out that if I am having digestive issues (cause for the weight gain) then my body won't absorb iron. So that's the next step.I have begun taking an Iron Supplement, cutting out all simple carbs, sugar and anything else that will feed the yeast in my digestive system. I also have started taking a garlic supplement and Probiotics to kill off the bad stuff while strengthening my gut. It's a hard go and I have begun feeling the flu-like symptoms, but I know it's going to be awesome once I have gotten my body in check.It is crazy what low Iron levels can do to your body, weight gain, premature aging, etc. All things I have suffered from in the past year. So next time you feel something off, get yourself checked. Make the time. Us parents have enough to deal with and not taking care of ourselves affects everything we do, including being the best parents to our children.Katie-Rose &Rob  


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