Apple Picking In The Annapolis Valley

Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate Fall Wild Rosebuds Apple Picking in The Annapolis Valley with her family to celebrate FallLast weekend we had one of those days where everything was planned out and ready to go. But, when the plan was put into motion, nothing went right. The whole start of the day felt like that. Rob had a rare day off on a weekend, so we wanted to do something fun. Up until that morning, the weather was calling for sunny skies and warm temperatures, but we woke up to an ugly day with a chance of showers, which ended up happening off an on all day. Another thing, we hit the highway after both kids put up a fight to get in the car, only to realize that we had forgotten to put gas into the truck. We were running late and not wanting to backtrack which meant that we had 50km to go until our nearest gas station. We made it thank goodness and were finally on our way rain or shine to pick those apples for warm Fall baked goods. But no, our bad luck didn't end there, pulling up to the apple orchard, we read the sign 'CASH ONLY'. Duh, it would be cash only, so off we went in search for a bank machine 10 mins away back in Wolfville.Finally, we made it, parked the truck, and left the bad energy behind. We headed over to chat with the owner of the orchard and fell involve with the views around us. Our day magically went from a stress of 10/10 to an easy getaway with the kids. It was Aubrey's first time and had to hold the bag for us. I was totally fine with this though the apples did get a beating. As for our happy little Poppy, she ended up falling asleep in my arms. This was great until my arms became numb and we realized the carrier was back in the car. So, we improvise and curled her up into our market basket and there she slept for the rest of our morning.When the rain started to become more heavy, we headed back just in time to buy some little pumpkins and hit the road before getting soaked. Next, we ventured out to all our favorite stops like a cheese house and coffee shop, before heading home to a warm house and good movies snuggled as a family. I LOVE FALL!Katie Rose


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