2 Teeth and Sitting all in one day

DSC_0362 DSC_0363 DSC_0365 DSC_0367 DSC_0368 With all the excitement of Chritsmas and New Year's around us, we had hardly noticed Aubrey and his determination to play like his big cousin Amelia. But, as we arrived home for a few days between the festivities, it dawned on us that he was crankier than usual.  On Sunday, he woke up from his morning nap and started screaming in sheer pain as I tried to dress him. It was such a weird reaction (one we had seen often in the 48 hours leading up to this) that I decided to check him over. Once I got to his mouth, I felt 2 small extremely sharp teeth poking out of his bottom gum. The poor guy had been cutting both teeth at the same time for a few days and we had just brushed off his pain for being off schedule. I dressed him for the day, smothering him with kisses and a dose of camillia for the pain, and brought him downstairs to play. I sat him up on his mat like usual expecting him to voluntarily fall sideways and flip to his belly like usual. Nope, he just sat there, unassisted. I quickly grabbed pillows and surrounded him, just in case this didn't last long, but it did. He sat up for a good 45 minutes playing with all the toys he had received for Christmas with a huge smile on his face. You could see that he knew this day was a big deal, and he could see that Rob and I were so proud of him. 1 day after turning the big 6 months, and he became a big boy.  He now is back to his pain free self, and that gorgeous smile of his is back with a new set of teeth and a new way to play.Here's to 2014 and many more BIG days,Katie Rose xoдомашняя порно вечеринкареклама в адвордсbest binary option brokers24option websiteкак взять в долг теле2где легко получить кредитномер телефона хоум кредитакредит студенту без работы


A Peak Into Aubrey's Nursery


Happy New Year's From My Family to yours