Aubrey's First Swim

Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds image image Wildrosebuds WildrosebudsLast week we decided we would finally take Aubrey swimming at one of the local indoor pools. We had been talking and planning the visit for months now, but always had something come up and get in the way. We woke up that morning to a snow storm outside and Rob was hesitant on going. I on the other hand, was needing to get out and had my heart looking forward to this big milestone. We arrived at the pool safe and sound for the parent and tot time slot and after getting changed met as a family in the pool area. Aubrey's eyes were fixated at the pool right away and started making his cute squawking noises to show his excitement. We were prepared for screaming and crying like many parents had told us would happen. Rob slowly walked into the water as I filmed from the side and lowered himself and Aubrey into the water. All that showed on Aubrey was pure joy, no screaming, no fright. He was inlove. It was like a big deep version of his bath and all he wanted to do was move around in it. Right away he started kicking. We stayed 40 minutes and then decided to take our pruney, waterlogged family home. But have already decided to make a hard effort in going back weekly.Katie Rose xo укладка ламината стоимостьказан чугунный купить в москвеcomprehensive car coverкурс доллора в москвекак взять кредит в европеделта кредит банкопределение кредитакредит наличными 1000000 рублей


And Then The Sun Came Out


Judgy, Judgy