Happy 1st Half Birthday!

DSC_0910DSC_0908DSC_0904Today, my little man turns 6 months old. I can't believe the time has flown by so quickly. He is growing so fast that it is hard for me to keep track. We started him on pureed vegetables and cereal, he's so close to sitting up, and he finally stopped crying at bed time. Today, he took his first 'step' of crawling. The great thing was that Rob was there with me to see it. Today also marks the day Rob officially moved to the city. Finally, our family is all under one roof. Rob is doing his Real Estate licence and come January 10th, he will be an agent here in the city. I am so proud of him for finally working up the courage to follow his dream. He will be working his butt of for the next year or 2 to get himself started, but this job was made for him.Now back to unloading and organizing all of the Christmas gifts that we were spoiled with.Happy New Years,Katie Rose xoизготовление сайтов санкт петербургоптимизатор сайтов googleсредства по уходу24option ukкредитная карта икеа фэмиливозьму деньги в долг тольяттикредит онлайн иркутсккредит 150000 рублей


A Glimpse Into Aubrey`s 1st Christmas


Cookies and Icicles