Where Did My Baby Go?

imageimageimageimageimageimageRecently, it's been becoming more and more clear to me that my little boy is growing up fast. From eating finger food like a boss, to drinking out of a sippy cup, he has the food thing down. And, with lots of practice in the past 3 weeks, he now is a speed crawler, attacking anything on the floor that isn't a toy. But what shocked me most of all, would have to have been what happened the other night. Aubrey had a late afternoon nap, so like usual when that happens, we pushed back his bed time. Usually, he starts to get super cranky and we take that as our cue to get him to bed. Not this time. This time, he quietly crawled from his toys, over to my legs, gesturing to be picked up. Once I picked him up, he turned to face me and rested his head onto my chest with arms on my shoulders, as if to say "Mommy, I'm ready for bed". We went up to get ready and by the time we sat in the rocking chair, he was peacefully asleep. Just a few months ago, it was like pulling teeth to get him to bed, and now he wants it. My heart aches a little for that newborn baby, but this new found confidence of his is so great and his personality has developed into this quiet gentle little guy. I am so proud of who he is turning out to be.On the Reflux situation, CHIRO IS WORKING!! he hasn't taken any medications in over a week, has gained 2 pounds in the past month, and has only spit up a hand full of times. We are keeping with it (thank goodness for healthcare) and we are so happy that he is not having to be on medication for the next few months.I hope you are all surviving the snow,Katie Rose xoстатьи вак на заказанальный секс форумпокрывало Bentleyrongaiпао банк премьер кредитденьги в долг срочно ижевсккредит в пермикредит 150000


Happy Birthday Mom!


Project 52: Week 5