Introducing Mommy Mondays: Can Moms be sexy? Can moms be sexy?At work a few weeks ago, we started having a discussion about moms and how motherhood changes you. One of the biggest changes that came to my mind was that feeling of being sexy. At over a year post baby, I still don't feel like I am ever sexy. On the rare occasions that I do, It feels wrong like I shouldn't because I am a mom. Im unsure if its the hardly done hair, or the make up free face, or the fact that I haven't been able to fit time into working out since I went back to work, but that weighs on me heavily. Can moms be sexy too? or is wrong in society's eyes for a woman to be both a mother and sexy? I'm sure I'm not the only mother out there that feels this. I have no time to shave my legs, let alone put the effort forth to look like these girls in the fashion magazines and those Instagram accounts. Their wind swept hair, perfect make up, golden skin and gorgeous wardrobe is an aspiration for many women. Then, they throw up a pic of their 6 month old baby on their a bikini...with the perfect body, and your left wondering, HOW IN THE F**K DID THEY DO THAT? Yes I will admit that It came easy to me to lose the baby weight, but the muscle tone may be gone for good.On top of all of these feelings you have about yourself and feeling sexy, you then have to act like they are there to please your partner. Somedays after early mornings, daycare drop off and pickup, 10 hour work shifts, making dinner, and cleaning the house, that sexiness just isn't gonna rise from your soul no matter how hard he tries. But, you put on that face he fell in love with and and you do your best to pretend as if you are still that same girl he was proud to have on his arm years before.Selfies are hard to do because if I try to do those sexy pouty looks, I can hear my own voice telling me what I would say if I was a mom looking in. Its exhausting. It almost feels like I'm in highschool again. If I'm not judging what I am wearing in the mirror, I know many of the other moms will be. That there is probably one of the many reasons I started writing this blog. Moms have to be the harshest judgers of each other, and I wanted to take a stand and air my dirty laundry and thoughts so that you as women and moms know me for who I am and judge me accordingly.I guess we just have to leave it to the fact that moms are superwomen, and sexy, though hard to do, should be in our day to day practice. We need to get our sexy back and support the other moms out there who are trying to. So good luck ladies, and I will try to spread my hints as I go.Katie Rose xoкомпьютерные колонки jblэффективные способы продвиженияyellow fever vaccination tanzaniaкак выбрать казаннецелевой кредит этокредит 50000 рублей сбербанквзять кредит пермьхоум кредит орел


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