Happy Birthday Hollie!

DSC_0711 Happiest of birthdays to my biggest sister Hollie. You have always been more of a second mom to me and I'm so happy to have had that. This past year has been filled with so many great things for you and I'm positive the next year will be even better and more exciting. I can't wait to create more memories with you and our growing families. Even though you live on the other side of the world, I hope that Aubrey and Amelia will always be close at heart. I love you!In celebration of Hollie's Birthday, we brought back the old tradition of tree hunting. We left the babies at home with Mom, and the three of us, along with Dad did the fastest tree hunting I think in the history of the Corkum's main tree. It helped that dad had this tree picked out at our Uncle's tree farm for the past 2 years, waiting for it to be just perfect. All we had to do when we got there was give the go ahead. I love these times with my sisters. Its just like when we were little, and those moments are few and far between now that we are grown. Now for the lights and decorations to entertain us on this snowed in day.1 week until Christmas!Katie Rose xoDSC_0696 DSC_0697 DSC_0700 DSC_0706 DSC_0718продвижение сайтов и раскрутка сайтовмягкая кисточка для пудрыthe best binary options brokersкупить блендер интернет магазинкредит в ситилинке отзывыкредит тойотасамый выгодный кредит пермьсущность кредита


In The Moment:


A Weekend Of New Things