Our Beach Boxing Day

Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing Day Boxing DayA great thing but also downside of living in Nova Scotia is that temperatures and weather fluctuate as fast as hours and days pass. Luckily, Christmas and the days surrounding it were beautiful and even reached 17 degrees on Boxing Day. Jump forward to the following day, and we were hit with 3 days of accumulating snow amounts to 8+ inches. So we headed to Liverpool for christmas with Nana (Rob's Mom) on Boxing day. We have done this trip each Boxing day since Aubrey was born and its always a great day of eating her delicious spreads and relaxing in the ocean views that surrounds her little town. Because we knew this was going to be the last good day before we got hit with a classic Nova Scotian winter, we headed out to our favourite dog friendly beach, Summerville. The sun was Shining and we all were just so content and in the moment. It was a bit of calm after such a busy few days of GETTING MARRIED!!(stay tuned for details) as well as having a toddler around wanting to do all things christmas. The beach and ocean is our serenity for that moment of stillness and togetherness. But, as soon as we heard dogs barking off in the distance that serene moment ended and we rushed back to the car before Zeus scared off the other dog owners.Back at Nana's, Aubrey had a brand new 'big boy' balancing bike that Rob's mom had given him for christmas waiting to be rode. Ruth lives on a quiet street and they must have done 12 laps of that road before finally coming in to curl up on the couch and watch movies, like Aladdin, such a classic. Rob and I didn't spare them the pain of hearing us belt out the song 'Prince Ali' at the top of our lungs. I think we were just proving to ourselves that we still knew all the words.After a good sleep, we were up early to a yummy breakfast before hitting the road in the snowstorm for our long drive back to Halifax. That drive sucked, but was worth to good time we had.Katie Rose xoBoxing DayBoxing Dayооо полигон официальный сайтинструменты харьковdiscount hookahsэльбрус туризмкупить renault sandero в кредитномер телефона хоум кредитрено в кредитбизнес план кредитного брокера скачать


A Good Send off to 2015!


Our 2015 Christmas