Graco Tranzitions Carseat for My Growing Boy

Graco Tranzitions 3-in-1 booster seat Review Graco Tranzitions 3-in-1 booster seat Review(^^showing how easy it is to transition through the 3 steps^^)Well that time has come, Aubrey at 3 years old is on the cusp of getting into a high back booster. His car seat buckles have started to become too tight and with a sweater on, he'd often complain about either his privates hurting or his chest feeling too tight. We knew we needed to invest in a car seat with a bit more strap length. But, being so close to moving into a booster seat, it was a hard pill for us to swallow to invest in a new car seat just to turn around and invest in a booster.We love Graco, having been the brand we brought Aubrey home in. So, when we heard that they had just released a new forward facing all-in-one car seat, I jumped on it.Though the installation clips on the Graco Tranzitions Carseat are the classic old school ones, it was pretty easy to install. What is even easier, is transitioning it to each level (see video above). The transition from the classic 5 point harness to the booster was super easy and literally took maybe 5 steps. And, once Aubrey turns 4, it will be a quick and easy change for us to make.But the best feature of all, or at least the one for Aubrey is the double cup holders built into the seat. He always had to ask us for his drinks and snacks, as well as dropping or losing his belongings (i.e. Rocks and other boy collectibles) But now, he is so proud of having his own little place to store his things without help from Mom and Dad. Our last favorite feature is the slim profile of the seat making it possible to fit someone in between car seats or even a third car seat in the back of our SUV without a problem.In the same situation as me? Head to to grab a Graco Tranzitions Carseat for your little and you'll be set as they grow from 22lbs to 100lbs.katie-rose


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