Happy New Year's From My Family to yours

My LoveI'm dating a Character from Duck DynastyBCBG Bracelet and Club Monaco StudsMy Family <3DSC_0371 DSC_0372 DSC_0373Hollie and Amelia Saying Happy New Years3 Generations4 Generationsthe babies with Great Grandad JoeDSC_0025 DSC_0026 DSC_0036 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThese girls are my RockOur Kardashian ImpressionOne Serious one just for the ParentsHappy New Year's from my Family to yoursThis Year has brought me many highs and lows, but has taught me true love, patience and how much family really means. From beginning the year, trying to figure out what it would be like as a single parent, falling in love all over again with Rob, bringing our amazing gift of Aubrey into the world together, and now, finishing the year with my family living under one roof. Rob will soon embark on a new career, and I can't wait to see where 2014 leads him.We Rang in the New Year old school like we used to as kids. We all gathered at my Parents, entertaining ourselves with Photo shoots (see above) and Board games. And, as the 12th hour came close, we brought out our country side with the traditional shooting of rifles and lighting of fireworks.Thanks to all my friends, family, and readers for the kind words and support you have given me in 2013.Welcome 2014,Katie Rose xoнаушники shureutah seodefinition of life cycleпогодавкредиты до 500000 без справоккредиты в спббанки брянска взять кредиттел хоум кредит


2 Teeth and Sitting all in one day


A Glimpse Into Aubrey`s 1st Christmas