My Sister Is Getting Married! (The Bridal Shower) DSC_0957 DSC_0962 wildrosebuds.comwildrosebuds.comwildrosebuds.comwildrosebuds.com2 Sundays ago, in the midst of our moving day, Aubrey and I took off, leaving Rob and Trevor to move, for my sister Shannon's Bridal shower. It was a gorgeous Sunny day, which made everyone in a great mood, and as us girls worked hard to turn the common room in Brad's (her fiance) apartment building into somewhat of a beach getaway, we got to meet all of her new in-law family. There were tons of delicious food and drinks. Aubrey and his 2 cousins ran around playing with each other and getting spoiled snacking on foods we usually keep away from their tiny hands. We played a few fun games, and then settled down to watch all the goodies Shannon received. Her and Brad are about to close on their first house, so the gifts were centered around things for the house. It was fabulous afternoon, and I cant believe there are only just under 6 weeks until her big day. I have to say, I'm pretty honored to be able to stand next to her on that day.Katie Rose xo english spelling check onlineseo-оптимизациикак приготовить овощи гриль в духовкепосуда продажаобеспечение по кредитуниссан в кредитонлайн кредит в м видеокредит студенту без работы


Our Beach Getaway: Part 1 (The Morning)


Aubrey's 1st Birthday Weekend