The Lullaby Lounge

LULLABY LOGO LARGEAs you long time readers may remember, Last year I was asked to take a tour of Sunnyside Mall and all of the stores that they have to offer for the young family. One thing that I thought was brilliant, was the lounge that they offered for parents to come to for playdates, catching up, or even just the quick diaper change and feeding. It was a great atmosphere with a lot of potential.Well, less than a year later, they have taken the initiative to make it that much more family focused and rebranded it to The Lullaby Lounge. They would like to invite you and your family to join them in the relaunch for this calm, soothing place. On June 13th from 11am-2pm, they are throwing a big event, with so many great things for both parents and tots. Bib n' Tucker is bringing in Hatfield farm for a fun petting zoo. Doctor of Naturopath, Dr. Rosalyn Hayman will be doing a talk from 11:30-12pm on Post Baby Depletion syndrome. There will be a ton of samples for you to take home from the New Brunswick based company Anointment. And, the one I'm looking forward to the most, The Running Room is teaching the proper way to run with a stroller.Here is the most exciting part. I will be giving away a package for 2 hours of shopping and being styled by myself with a bag full of goodies and freebies from their fabulous stores. All you have to do to enter is come stop by for the festivities and fill out a ballot. I want to help you feel your best!Katie Rose xoшутерыпродвижение за рубежомsexy muscle calvesкрасивые животные видеобанк хоум кредит в орлесообщество вкладчиков банка холдинг кредитресо кредит банкзолото в кредит 585


The Terrible Almost-Twos


Welcome Aritzia