Bluenose Marathon 10km 2014 Under My Belt

DSC_0578wildrosebuds.comwildrosebuds.comwildrosebuds.comwildrosebuds.comwildrosebuds.comwildrosebuds.comwildrosebuds.comwildrosebuds.comwildrosebuds.comMy Look: Leggings and Jackets by Joe Fresh Yesterday, I completed a goal that I set for myself almost exactly 2 years ago, before even finding out I was pregnant or actually meeting Rob for that matter. I had run the Bluenose 10km in 2012 and finished with a time of 58.30mins. It was way better than years previous but I wanted to do better than that. I decided to make my goal for the following year to be under 57. But, then Aubrey came about, and when the marathon was thrown, I was over 8 months pregnant and could hardly waddle everywhere with out being in pain and feeling like I was going to pee my pants (which unfortunately happened many times). So, my goal changed to running the harvest marathon 5km in less than 32 minutes just shy of 4 months post baby. I did above and beyond as some of you may remember and finished in just over 27 minutes.This winter was hard on me and until the last few months, my cardio sucked. Once the snow melted away, just recently mind you, the rain and Aubrey's naps have not been my friend. This meant that any type of running was rare. Just over a month ago we invested in a Croozer, a 2 kid running stroller/city stroller/bike wagon, and I have been able to get out there without worrying about who could watch Aubrey. Running with a stroller is HARD! I max. run 5 km and most of the time that is made up of intervals. so when it came time to long distance, I really had no idea where I was.Sunday, marathon day came, and Aubrey had hardly slept a wink. I was dead tired and Rob was worse. We somehow made it to the Metro centre, fully prepared but like zombies. It took me until I approached the starting line to wake up. The gun went off and the race started. I just remember thinking the whole time of how fast my avg. pace was (I was using an app on my phone to keep track) and that I needed to keep it up so that I could have an emergency pee break if needed. Next thing I know, I'm approaching the finish line with a time I didn't even think about being possible for me. I decided to give it my all and sprint the last half a km, making my time 54.59. That was such a big moment for me and my goals after pregnancy. I have become more fit post pregnancy than pre. I may not look or feel it most days, but yesterday showed me that hard work pays offNow for my next goal.Katie Rose xodata-pin-hover="true" что лучше ламинат или паркетная доска отзывыdallas seo expertрастения африкиаренда апартаментов normandy islandтойота банк кредитзаявка на кредитку кукурузавзять кредит 100 тысяч рублейкредит на телефон в мтс


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