Inspired: Thrifting And DIY's
Our new place has a TON of amazing character. But, what it doesn't have is a functional kitchen. With its broken up counter space (blue I might add), and horrible orange walls, there is only so much you can do as renters and on a budget. We have plans for painting it a grey, as well as keeping the white cupboards. Our one issue we will still have is the lack of work area. So, rob and I decided to after looking for a huge kitchen cart in our price range with no luck, we will make our own. After typing 'how to' into google, we stubbled upon this amazing website. It is called Our Vintage Home Love. Let me tell you, ever spare second I've had since friday night has been spent scouring the how to on this site. Her name is Diana and yes her house is a little over board, but she takes things she thrifted and turns them into these amazing items for her house for little to no cost. We became majorly inspired.Saturday morning we woke up, and with the projects on this website in mind, we hit up all the thrift shops in HRM. We were a bit disappointed, but will keep at it. While taking a shortcut to a Salvation Army, we found something pretty spectacular. There is an Antique shop in the north end off the beaten path, that was blairing Southern Soul music on an old record player outside (check out the video of it here). It caught our attention, so we decided to take a look. We walked into a disaster. It was like hoarders paradise with these amazing gems of antiques piled onto of each other. We would have stayed hours, but Aubrey was too little to be in that mess, and the woman was trying to play us with her overpriced numbers after she saw we were interested. We ended up leaving with these amazing old table leaves that we are going to build side tables for our bedroom with, and an old tobacco Tin that I'm still dreaming what to use for.
Sunday, we set out for scrap wood. My Dad, being a logger, and our family owning its own mill and farm, we have a ton of wood. But, my dad is weird about parting with it. So on Kijiji, we found free would for the taking from a 100+ year old house being reno'd by Peggy's Cove. We emptied the car besides us and the carseat (sleeping Aubrey in tow) and headed down to root through this pile of Salvage. We ended up scoring some amazing thick old beams that we will be stripping and turning into the shelves in the picture above for our kitchen. We also picked up some extra wood that will be made into our kitchen cart.
Now we need to start acquiring some wood tools to make this all a bit easier than a saw.Katie Rose xo