How I Purge My Closet with H&M
I grew up in a house with a father who wanted to keep EVERYTHING, you know....just in case you needed a part from it at some point. I have to admit, a bit of his hoarding has rubbed off on me, or maybe I was born with the tendencies passed down. Because of this, I keep a hold of a lot of clothes, worried that they might come back in style, or my body shape will some how return to a pre- mom of two. Alas, I know that is a bad way to think.
Since high school, I have moved A LOT, 12 times to be precise. And, although it is tough to think about, the moves force me to let go of things that I may have held on to otherwise. When it comes to my closet, I like to fully clean it out every year, or every big life change. This week was for the two reasons, It has been a good year since I have cleaned it out, and I have finally lost my baby weight and knew that I needed to start new. But, when it comes to purging your closet, where on earth do you start?
Start With An Area
Choose an area to start. For me, I always start with my dresser. I empty each drawer out at a time and once I weed through which to keep and which not to, I move on to the next.
How To Decide What To Keep And What To Toss
This part to me is the hardest. But, I have one rule of thumb that I try to follow, If I have not worn it in a whole year, toss it. If you are still finding it hard to decide, challenge yourself to style it in an outfit that you will wear that very minute. If you can't, toss, and move on.For me, the biggest loss with this closet purge was all of my designer jeans. After two kids, my hips are wider and that low rise, and actually even mid-rise from 5 years ago, is just not cutting it for my new body. It was time to let them go.
What Do I Do With All Of The Clothes?
OK, so let's get real for a second here. I am all about donating my closet. Recently, I found out that H&M has a program where they take all your used textiles in any condition and they recycle them for you. From donating them to people in need, to actually recycling the fibers in the fabric, making new clothes, they are helping reduce our waste. Since 2013, they have gathered more than 32,000 tonnes of clothing. CRAZY! Learn more about their process HERE.If you plan on coming to the new H&M location, opening at the Halifax Shopping Centre at 11 am on Thursday, July 27th, you can enter in to win 1 of 5 $50 gift card to H&M by bringing in a bag of used clothing from your own closet. Awesome initiative right?Want to see a little behind the scenes video of my closet clean out? head to the video below.