A little bit of leather and spikes and everything nice

^^ BCBG top, 7for all mankind jeans, Gap jacket, Aldo loafers, H&M necklace^^
What a beautiful day to kick off Thanksgiving weekend. Aubrey and I were lucky enough to get to spend it with Rob. As I was laying there cuddling Aubrey to bed tonight, I had him snuggling into me as though he was still in my tummy and rob on the other side of him. The love in that room made my heart melt. This year, I am so thankful for this gorgeous family I have created accidentally. The smell of Aubrey and his warm body snuggling next to me. I know these moment are not to be taken for granted. The sound of Rob's deep voice as we plan the following day, it's what I miss the most all week. I have to be the luckiest woman in the world at this moment.
To add to the fabulous long weekend ahead, my sister an her little family fly home today. This is just a short stop before moving to Abu Dabi for the rest of the year. We are spoiled to be seeing them so often this year, and I can't wait to see how much Aubrey and Amelia have changed in the month and 1/2 since she's been here last.
Now for this outfit. This top was my spurge item for the month. I had picked it up at The Mills fashion show last week and was dying to wear it. It fits like a dream. I've got to say, I'm a little addicted to leather accents lately. As for the shoes, I could wear loafers everyday. I want them in every Color and detail. These are a Christmas gift from last year butAldoshoes.com has similar pairs still. H&M only came to Halifax a few years back. Since they have, for trend jewelry items,I head there first. This anchor necklace was a great find at the beginning of summer, and now with summer ended I'm trying to find ways to still keep it in regular rotation.
Have a Wonderful thanksgiving and be thankful for life,
Katie Rose xo