Fur Obsessed, GIVEAWAY!

Wild RosebudsSo...this post was supposed to be about how to make a fur vest. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to even explain in the end how I made it. I created the pattern myself by outlining a jacket on to the material I was using for lining and besides the cutting out process, the rest was all about problem solving. But in the end, it looks great. I'll show you the finished project tomorrow on my 'Look of the Day' post. As I worked on this, Aubrey finally had a good nap after a few days of not having any. Napping babies are definitely my favorite. With the excess fur I had bought for the vest, I whipped up a fur infinity scarf that will go with any look really. There are pictures at the end of this post.And....here's the bonus, I have made an extra one that I will give away to one lucky reader. All you have to do is write a comment below about your favorite fur look and/or post a picture of you or a celebrity wearing your favorite fur look on Instagram Make sure to write #rosebudsfur in the comments and to tag us @wildrosebudsblog. Good luck!Wild RosebudsWild Rosebuds Wild Rosebuds Wild Rosebuds  My Look:Turban: Oh Dina available hereSweater: Mossimo Mens at TargetJeans: Gap (old) similar available hereWild Rosebuds Wild RosebudsHere are the easy steps to make your own:

  1. cut a long rectangular piece of fur
  2. pin together the long ends with the fur on the inside
  3. sew where pinned
  4. turn right side out
  5. pin together the ends with the fur together and sew 3/4 of the way around
  6. turn right side out
  7. sew the remainder by hand

Happy Sewing,Katie Rose xo binary brokers with demo accountsоптимизация ключевых словживотный мир львыэлитные пентхаусыкупить диван в кредитэмиссионная функция кредитадельта кредит банк ипотекакухня в кредит в москве


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