Warm Weather, Zeus and The Daycareitis

Daycareitis5 Daycareitis4 Daycareitis3 Daycareitis2 Daycareitis

My Look: Shirt- Club Monaco, Jeans- Winners, Sunnies- Barring Sunglasses, Sneakers- Converse

The sun is finally shining and the warm weather is slowly rolling into our little city. Zeus has now been with us for over 2 weeks and is settling in perfectly. But, the house keeps getting rounds of the 'daycareitis'. Seeing Aubrey wake up with the gooey eyes glued shut, knowing its the dreaded pink eye, you remember having it as a kid and how with a day or 2 of drops its all back to normal. Well, it wasn't that easy for us here. Aubrey and a few other kids at daycare came down with it and it was gone within 24 hours once we started him on drops. But that was not the end. Days later, I was blessed with waking up, not being able to open my eye. DOUBLE PINK EYE! over the next 3 days, unable to go to work, I had to experience the burning, itching and gooey eyes that you only associate with children. It was way worse than I remember and I honestly did look like I belonged in a scary movie. The bonus, 3 days off work with no little hands to get in the way, mixed with me never being the type to just sit around, made for a very productive week off of work. More to come of showing you what my busy hands got into. The sickness is out and now we up our vitamin intake to prepare for the next.Katie Rose xosexy long legs and feetZe Binary Signals reviewcar cover for 2014 nissan altimaдикие животные африки видеооформить кредит с 18 летkia в кредиткредиты новосибирсквзять кредит в европе


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