One Room Challenge: Our Formal Living Room

If you've been following us for a while, you know that the front living room has always been a struggle for us to find its style. With its original red stained flooring, beautiful moulding that was only half painted white, and a fireplace that is awkwardly off centre of the room, we have literally tried so many different styles in the two years that we've owned this house.

Finally, with moving our bedroom rug downstairs, we became inspired and chose a style that would work perfectly for the space and our busy family. We decided to challenge ourselves to spruce up this room for the One Room Challenge this Spring. It made a lot of sense seeing as though we are all spending most of our time at home right now.

The Before

The Wild Decoelis | One Room Challenge: Our Formal Living Room | the before
What it looked like when we bought the home.

The Wild Decoelis | One Room Challenge: Our Formal Living Room |  Our before of our farmhouse living room

The Wild Decoelis | One Room Challenge: Our Formal Living Room |  Our before of our farmhouse living room

The Wild Decoelis | One Room Challenge: Our Formal Living Room |  Our before of our farmhouse living room

So we are beginning week one today. Right now we are just doing beginning stages of planning. This involves choosing artwork, different finishings from around the room, prioritizing projects, vision boards, and finalizing furniture purchases.

The whole vibe of the space is taking it from hand me down farmhouse feel to more of a mid century modern to match the 1917 craftsman finishes on our century home. We really struggled with this when we first moved in because our old style had always been farmhouse. But now that we have spent two years in this home, we have a really good feel for what matches our new space. I think that's super important so that you don't force a style into a room it may not match.

The Wild Decoelis | One Room Challenge: Our Formal Living Room | mid century modern white couch, leather chairs, vintage dresser, vintage art, black vase, forced blooms

So what is the game plan?

First things first is getting rid of all of the old furniture that we have had since before we met. We're going to switch these out with more modern feeling pieces. Next we are going to address the fact that this is the first room you walk into from the front door, yet it has no light source in it besides one lamp. We have found a gorgeous chandelier that we are going to get wired in centre to the room.

The Wild Decoelis | One Room Challenge: Our Formal Living Room | black chandelier in living room with black and white fireplace, round mirror

Then comes the fun part. Rob and I are going to get to work on some DIY's for the space. From custom framing, a hall bench, and even the possibility of redoing the original flooring and adding built ins ourselves. We are planning for the big jobs but know that that might not all be possible with what is going on and what we have available during these times.

So, I hope you stick with us through this. It won't be massive changes, but the space will come together perfectly.

Head over to ORC official page to find many other blogger also taking part!


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