Creating A Bedtime Routine For Myself

Wild Rosebuds: How to create a proper bedtime routineWith the busyness of Summer coming to a halt, I found myself missing things that used to a regular for me before kids. Reading books during the summer months and before bed in the winter were my jam, But, a little secret is that I haven't read a book since 2 months prior to Aubrey birth. I know, I hate that I haven't been able to make the time.Last week, As I turned off the TV to go to bed, I realized that it was 11pm, I was too tired to wash my makeup off (could be one of my skin problems) or brush my teeth. This was a new normal for me. I said I had no time for reading or selfceare at night, but really, I was jut being super lazy. So, the next night I decided I was going to begin a nighttime routine and I was going to stick with it. It has been going on for 5 nights now, to be honest was the best decision I've made recently. I am sleeping better, have more energy when I wake up, my skincare routine is working faster than I had expected and I feel happier.So now brings me to how did I do it? what did I do? and how can you do it too?Wild Rosebuds: How to create a proper bedtime routine


Figure out a time that works for you for bed time, then subtract an hour to it and thats your new bedtime. For instance, my kids and I get up at 7am. To get 9 hours of sleep, I would have to fall asleep at 10pm, so my alarm is set at 9pm to start getting ready for bed. Now, you can always stay up a bit later because life happens, kids get sick, and deadlines come up. But, sticking to this time at least 5 days a week will make the world of difference.


I want to take time going to bed, making sure my skin is prepped for bed, my body is moisturized and my teeth are brushed. I also love having a cup of tea to help me sleep, maybe its the British in me,and love settling into a good book for a few chapters before my eyes get too heavy to stay open. Make a list of the things you would like to do for yourself before bed.


For me, I have organized my night from least appealing to most appealing. But, the routine also is in order of the route from downstairs to bed. When my alarm goes off, I turn on the kettle in the kitchen and tidy up the dishes as I wait for it to boil. Once I have made my tea (herbal so that it has not caffeine) I head upstairs to the bathroom. While my tea steeps and cools, I get my face cleaned and prepped, moisturize, pjs on and am ready to crawl into bed with my tea and my book.Wild Rosebuds: How to create a proper bedtime routine


Now that you are comfortable in bed with your tea and a great book, make sure you have an alarm set to tell you when you should put that book down and close your eyes. For me, I usually stop the alarm before it reaches that time, or I judge it by chapters. If you stick to 2 chapters a night, you get a great time of relaxation and not being so deep that you either stay up all night reading or fall asleep with the book in your hand. If you know you are more of a deep reader and the time just flies by, your are the type for an alarm and thats ok. The one thing about this alarm I'd recommend is setting its volume to low and choose a relaxing tone. That way the alarm doesn't wake you right up.


Now that I have been at this for a week, it takes that long or even longer to make it your new habit. So, stick with it. Don't give up at the first chance you get. Start it on a Sunday night so that you have a good 5 days before the weekend and just remember how great it feels to be well rested and starting the day on a positive note because it ended that way.What are your favourite things to do before bed? 


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