Catching The Memories with MushyBooks

Capturing the milestones with mushy book's baby book Capturing the milestones with mushy book's baby book Capturing the milestones with mushy book's baby book Capturing the milestones with mushy book's baby book Capturing the milestones with mushy book's baby book Capturing the milestones with mushy book's baby bookBeing the third child in a very busy household, my baby book had only the pages my mother could fill in while alone at the hospital. Rob's on the other hand, having such an age gap between him and his older brother, was over the top with information about him up until he was a teen.  My lack of being filled in never bothered me until Aubrey was born. We then found ourselves looking back and comparing notes I guess you would say on if Aubrey and Rob were following the same growth pattern etc. Rob, being 6 foot 6in, and Aubrey indeed weighed within an ounce of each other at each milestone which prepares us in knowing that Aubrey will probably be just as tall.As you probably figured out by now, having kids and doing all of this looking back has made us realize how important a baby book is. We kept a detailed one with Aubrey, updating it after every doctors appointment and milestone. So, when Poppy was born, of course, we planned on doing the same. But, like my mom, its harder to remember the small things and to make notes with two littles keeping you busy. We then, got ourselves a Mushybooks baby book. The great thing about this baby book, besides the fun themes and beautiful and simplistic design, is that it leads you through the process of filling it out. Instead of all of those detailed questions, it prompts you with easy to remember items to take note of for your children to look back on.Another great feature, TONS of space for photos. I take photos all day long of the kids, not only for the blog, but so that when Rob and I are old and miss the days we are in now, we can look back on them. Now there is a place just for Poppy to be spoiled with photos.One thing we have recently tried doing and had done with Aubrey, is keeping the booking in a common area of the house. That way, when something happens, like the first laugh or first time rolling over, it is in an arms reach to update right away before life catches up.How do you keep all of your little ones mementos?katie-rose


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