2020 Goals

This year instead of setting resolutions for what I want to happen, what I want to manifest, and how I want to change as a person, Im switching things up. I and going to set an allover tone to be intentional. yes that's a broad term, but I have realized that as I get older, have more kids, learn about the world around us, as well as come into my own style, being intentional with what I bring into our home, what we put into our body, who we give our time to, and how we spend our time is more important than me setting a goal to shed the baby weight or gain more followers on IG.

I guess I should elaborate more on what my intentional intentions are gonna be (see what I did there? ;) )

Being Intentional In The Home:

This year I want to focus on buying less, being mindful of the waste we are creating, and organizing with a purpose. This also means using more natural products or finding products that are more cost effective to make.

So how do I see this panning out?

  • shopping second hand and vintage first
  • not buying out of boredom (ahem...amazon)
  • buying less plastic if any at all
  • organizing the small amount of storage space we have and giving everything a place so that the clutter is minimized (mise en place)
  • spending money on adventures instead of things

Being Intentional with our bodies:

We have a lot of mouths to feed and those kids are only getting bigger and needing more food to fill them. But, with all the knowledge we are learning lately about food, gut health etc. we want to make sure we shop with intention

  • shop small/ buy from farmers
  • buy only what we know we will eat and what we will need
  • meal plan to cut back on food waste
  • shop organic when possible
  • grow more of our own produce
  • eat at home

Being Intentional with our time:

I will be the first to admit that I am awful at being glued to my phone. I use the excuse that it is for work but in all honesty its not 100% true. I want to make more real connections, become friends with people. I'm such an introvert that I tent to keep to myself unless someone else starts a conversation. That needs to change. I want to use this online space we have worked EIGHT YEARS to build for the better and get to know each and every one of you. And when I have down time, instead of aimlessly scrolling, I want to put my phone down, play with my kids if they are home, or keep up with the house work. Or GOSH DARNET, do one of my loved hobbies pre kids like reading books, sewing or gardening because I want to, not because I have to.

2020 is going to be a year of being less busy with busyness and more busy with being in my home with the people I love and showing attention to the people and things that I love.

Katie-Rose &Rob


Our Laundry Room Half Way Mark


Our Formal Living Room Holiday Tour