Stranger Vs. Soother Stranger vs. Stranger vs. sootherAs a mom you start to learn a bunch of small pet peeves when it comes to your child. There seems to be more now than there has ever been in my life. The biggest parent pet peeve that Rob and I both share is when strangers touch Aubrey's soother. In public, sometimes Aubrey's soother will fall out. As nice people do, they try to grab the soother first thinking that they are helping us. But, from a parents perspective, if you are not a relative, DO NOT TOUCH THE SOOTHER. Yes, germs are everywhere, including the ground, but there are more germs on your hands. It is a great help for a mom when you try to do nice things, so pass me a kleenex after I pick up the soother, do not touch the soother yourself. We cringe each time someone reaches down towards it on the ground. I know the day is soon coming when the soother won't be in aubrey mouth anymore, and honestly, I'm ready for it. Its dirty and grimy and you wash it 30 times a day. But until that day, I will scream in my head while fighting off my urge to react with this pet peeve.Katie Rose xoпродвижение сайтавиды раскрутки сайтатуры на майские праздничные дниbanc de binary sign inбридж кредитонлайн кредит в спбхоум кредит банк пермьснг кредит


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