Finding Yourself In Organized Sports With Under Armour

Wild Rosebuds On putting your kids in organized sports to discover themselvesI grew up playing sports. That’s right, I said sports, plural. My parents literally threw us into everything and anything that was happening in our small village, just hoping we found something that stuck.Unfortunately for me, while I was in most of these sports, my parents didn’t realize that I needed glasses….BADLY. I still remember trying to play tennis, and the instructor after a few weeks, pulling my mom aside advising her that this wasn’t the sport for me. Or that softball game where my blind eyes couldn’t see the ball coming at me, resulting in not once, but twice getting smashed in the face. Needless to say, I quit that day.Wild Rosebuds On putting your kids in organized sports to discover themselvesEven thought these sports didn’t stick for me, I never was afraid to try something new, and my parents never stopped introducing me to different sports. And they had really good reasons for it. Organized sports keep kids active, they teach them dedication, and they create confidence and problem-solving skills. Not only that, but as I now have teenage nieces who were big into competitive swimming and now have moved to rugby stars, I see how much these sports keep them focused on their schooling.I mean, isn’t that our end goal as parents? To create well rounded kids who not only find something that they love doing but also stay focused on school work? That way, they have good enough grades to be able to go to any university or college that they want for any program. I know that’s what we want for our kids.Wild Rosebuds On putting your kids in organized sports to discover themselvesBesides that, it keeps them physical, constantly training so that they can get better. The love of running, for me, started because I wanted to be faster on the soccer field. Instead of sitting in my bedroom on the internet (we had dial up and one computer) or even on play station, I ran every night after school and then finished with exercises in my room to make me both a better player and have better form in my dance classes.Under Armour and Sport Chek, like seen in THIS post are wanting to reward your little athletes who are working so hard at being the best they can be. So, if you have a little athlete between the ages of 7-12, enter them in HERE to become the 2018 Canadian Youth Ambassadors and faces of Under Armour in Sport Chek stores across Canada.What sport did you grow up playing?

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