The Best Things To Do During Spring

The Wild Decoelis | The Best Things To Do During Spring | spring in nova scotiaAs much as North America is still getting pounded with snow and other horrible Winter weather, here in the Maritimes, we are starting to see signs of Spring. Now, mind you, our springs are heavy with rain and wind, but every few days we will have a break in the clouds and actually get blue skies. Those are the days that become booming here in Nova Scotia. It's like EVERYONE gets out of the house for the first time since Christmas and the vibe in the air (even in our own backyard) is just happy.On the blue sky days, we want to make sure we are making the most of our time until the next nice day. Like every season since Rob and I started dating, we like to make a to-do list of what we want to do, adventures we want to take and what there is to see. Here is our list for Spring 2018. Many of them can be adapted to your area of the world too.

The Best Things To Do During Spring

The Wild Decoelis | The Best Things To Do During Spring | Fairechild rain jacket

Aubrey's Wearing: Faire Child Jacket, Hunter Boots

Plant Our Vegetable Garden

Wild Rosebuds: Trip To Tangled Gardens in Wolfville, Nova ScotiaLast year, we tried our green thumbs at our very own vegetable garden. It was successful and actually inspired Aubrey to eat more vegetables because he could pick them himself and eat them right away. This year, we have a better grasp on how and amounts to plant. now its the waiting game for the ground to dry enough to get the seeds planted. This year it will be all about yummy ingredients for salads and snacks.

Explore Our Own Backyard

Wild Rosebuds: The ocean view from Crescent BeachNova Scotia is stunning and we want to make sure we get to see places that are worth seeing, especially with the kids. This Spring, we are making an effort to take day trips to places that we have never been. We want to explore parts of Nova Scotia that we haven't, including Rob's hometown and surrounding area.  Make it fun, pack a lunch and get out of the car.

Visit Our Favorite Winery

Wild Rosebuds: Summer Road Trip To Annapolis Valley WineriesWe are wanting to take advantage of Aubrey still being in school, as this is his first summer not in daycare. So, before time runs out Rob and I have it planned to get a few day dates under our belt.  One of our favorite dates is to head to the valley and visit the wineries. This Spring we are in luck because our favorite, Lightfoot&Wolfville is about to relaunch their menu and it sounds too good to be true.

Go To The Zoo

One of our go-to spots in the later Spring with the kids is the zoo. It is located in the Valley which gets HOT in the Summer. Spring is great because we don't have to stress about the kids in extreme temperatures and it is way quieter. We like to make it as educational as possible, taking our time to walk through and learn about each animal. The kids have such a blast running free.

Hike Cape Split

One of our first dates were packing a lunch and hiking Cape Split, a gorgeous trail on the edge of the ocean (and a cliff) here in the Annapolis Valley. It's been almost 6 years and we have never found time to get back there. This spring, while the kids are at school, we are doing it. We are striving to be more active outside and hiking is the perfect activity to switch things up and get moving.

Visit The Farmers Market

We love a good farmers market haul and miss our Saturday morning routine of good coffee, kids playing, and fresh items from so many amazing local companies and farms. Spring is when all of the smaller markets come back and we want to start adventuring to many of them to see what each offers. It is such a great way to support local and eat better.

Spring Clean The House and Yard

Wild Rosebuds: home tour with country back deck with diy table and antique chairsWe have been so inspired by simplistic living and minimalism. I grew up with a Father who kept EVERYTHING just in case he needed apart from in one day. And, as much as I fight it, I am known to hold on to way too much. So this spring, we are taking on each room at a time and getting our life uncluttered. Once the inside is done, we will be working on the outside as well, making sure we have a space that is comfortable and safe for all of us!What are your musts this spring?Katie-Rose &Rob


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