14 Week Bump Date: Gym, Sickness, and Why we aren't finding out the Gender

The Wild Decoelis | 14 Week bump date | maternity shot.Well, it has been two weeks since we announced that we have a new little babe joining the family. And, to be honest, since we did, the time now seems to be going faster. Holding onto a secret like that has been hard. Strategically hiding the bump since 7 weeks, trying to explain my non-stop exhaustion and nausea, and all the other things that tie into pregnancy was draining. But, we are now into our 2nd trimester and 6 weeks until we see our babe on the screen again.It has been a busy week with lots of partnerships going live on our blog and Instagram and I am so happy that my nausea has subsided a bit. If you follow along our instastories, you would have seen that last week I tried to wean myself off diclectin because, without medical coverage, it is a bloody fortune. But, I have now found a happy dosage that doesn't make me fall asleep within minutes but also keeps the sickness at bay. Unfortunately, it looks like I may have to be on diclectin for most of this pregnancy like the other two. With Aubrey, I was on it until 6 months, and poppy, until 23 weeks. The way I look at it is that it is worth it to be able to still contribute to the family and spending time with our kids without feeling awful and grumpy.With the nausea having subsided, I have also joined the gym. This was a huge goal for me. With Aubrey, I went to the gym 5 days a week until 31 weeks pregnant. I still jogged until then and ate CRAZY healthy. With Poppy, having been right after a very scary miscarriage, I was afraid to do anything, in fear of losing her. I ate all the carbs to subside the nausea and spent most of the time on the couch in our house eating sweets and bread. The most I did for exercise was walk Aubrey in our running stroller to the beach or daycare, but by then I was already 7 weeks pregnant and very out of shape. Guys, the pregnancies, births, and postpartum were VERY different.  My pregnancy was higher risk with Poppy, my back wanted to give out all the time resulting in having to see a chiro a few times a week, I gained a ton of weight and just felt yucky overall. With Aubrey, this wasn't the case. Also, with Poppy, I had to be induced at 37 weeks because I was diagnosed with Cholestasis which worked great but I felt my labor so much more and had to push double the time I had with Aubrey.The Wild Decoelis | 14 Week bump date | maternity shot in bedroomAnd the final difference was the Postpartum period. Now before I get into this, I am well aware that I was 3 years older and almost into my 30s when I had Poppy so of course, that will affect weight loss. Also, with this one, I'll be 6 years older than with Aubrey so I know the recovery will still not be the same. But, with Aubrey, having eaten clean and remained very active throughout the pregnancy, I felt myself within weeks of having him. I felt confident in myself and although it's not all about weight loss, I was able to get back into my jeans within 3 weeks. With Poppy, I couldn't motivate myself to start doing anything remotely healthy until 8-month postpartum when Rob and I's relationship started to strain due to my lack of confidence in myself because the 25 lbs I still had hanging on and didn't know how to get off ( he loved the extra weight, I DID NOT). IT WAS AWFUL! It took another 8-10 months if not more of hardcore work on both my physical and mental health to get myself back and that process was grueling. I don't want to go through that again and am testing out if my theory of staying very active and eating healthy and how that will make a difference in that stage. I hope to share the good, the bad, and the ugly with all of you.Now, so many of you have been asking this question, Are we finding out the gender? I am a big believer in finding out as I find It allows me to create a bond with the baby more than I think I could not know. But in the same breath, I also don't know the difference. We have found out both times. Rob, on the other hand, has been convinced that we should not find out and I see his point. We already have a boy and a girl. We what life is like with either, what diaper changing is like,  etc. So why not find out in the delivery room. Yes, my type-A personality is going to make it hard to wait the 20 weeks to find out. But, I keep picturing the magical moment in the delivery room when they tell us who the baby is. That moment seems way more exciting than the last two deliveries.Now I ask you, what are your theories on a happy healthy pregnancy and did you find out?P.S, this blanket is made in Canada with ethically sourced wool and is my new favorite thing in our house. It is 100% worth spending the extra money on compared to the look a like ones in department stores. This will be an heirloom piece in our family for years to come. TO check them out for yourself, head to Mulder and Company. Ours is the medium in Fawn.Katie-Rose &Rob 


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