A Good Send off to 2015!

Well, we were blessed with snow gods just in time for New Years again this year. And like usual, we headed to my parents to ring in the New Year with them. This year was a bit different though. Being just the 4 of us adults, we decided to stay in our sweat pants, and watched movies on the couch all night until the clock stroked 12. Then, like true Windsor Road tradition, we headed outside to shoot off the riffle and shoot out the old year. It was such a relaxing way to spend it. And, although I love doing drinks and games with friends and family, it was the perfect end to a busy and rollercoaster of a year.Because of the relaxing night, we were up bright and early the next day to head out on my fathers snowmobile for a family trip around the family woodlot roads. This was the first year that Aubrey enjoyed the skidoo and once we hit the trails, he became involve with the feeling of being on it. We were blessed with such great weather for it and the snow was perfect for cutting new paths and starting 2016 with an adventure. When we finally arrived home, Aubrey wouldn't leave the snowmobile's seat, begging for us to allow him to sleep on it for the night. Like everything with him and the terrible twos lately, it was a fight that turned into me having to pick him up, throw him over my shoulder and carry him into the house kicking and screaming. This too shall pass, they say and we weren't about to let it ruin the start to a good year to come.Here's to 2016 and a big year for all of us!Katie Rose xoseo оптимизация сайта бесплатногей секс видео смотретьmodel girl bikinican exchange rateномер горячей линии хоум кредитателефон хоум кредит банкзолото в кредит 585100000 рублей в кредит

Our Wedding 12.23.15


Our Beach Boxing Day