The Last Week Begins and Aubrey's Walking is Full Throttle Its really starting to hit that this is the last week I have with Aubrey. Today I met with my boss and I officially go back to work for 2 full days next week. Then, add in 2 mornings in daycare for Aubrey, I will hardly get to see him. Im hoping this time will make me appreciate his little face more and more.3 weeks ago he started full on walking, and now you can't stop him. I literally have to hold him down until he falls asleep for his naps and bedtime. He's like the energizer bunny. With Rob back at work, The waking hours are all on me, and let me tell you, by 10pm I can't keep my eyes open. I love watching this little guy grow but having me time again, even if it is going to work may be nice.Speaking of me time, we have begun the hunt for a babysitter. I grew up babysitting kids in town and I loved it. So, we have decided to search for a high school student. That way we have her for a few years to call on while Aubrey is growing up. A few leads have been made, but taking the plunge to call someone and trust them with our little Bub is a lot easier to say than do. But Like daycare and returning to work, its a necessary step.Katie Rose xobinary option forex brokerstrading optionгаз бу24option ukкредит молодая семьядебет 91 кредит 68потребительский кредит ипдебет 51 кредит 62


A Flower Crown Girls Night


A Father's Day Weekend