Another year passed

Saturday morning at the Halifax Farmers Market

    Monday I celebrated my 26th birthday. For some reasons birthdays are always hard for me. Its a time to reflect on my life and what I am doing to better it. Last year, my stresses were more about my job because I was not working in my field. Now that I have a great job, I can't help but focus on knowing that this was the last birthday of me being only in charge of myself. Future birthdays with now involve a cute little smile and me rocking the title of 'Mommy'. But will I be the best mom I can be? what can I do to better myself now to make sure he has everything? these thoughts surround my mind.
    In birthdays past, I deal with these birthday panics by being surrounded by my close knit family and friends. This year, my mom and sisters are all down south, and my friends are all partiers, so I don't quite fit in anymore. Because of knowing this, I didn't expect a birthday this year, or at least not much of one.
    People surprise me more and more as I get older. My family, friends, and coworkers who were here and free pulled together and made my birthday last over 4 days.
     My good friend Erin had a baby boy 2 years ago on my birthday and I am honored to share this day with him. Saturday, I attended his 2nd birthday party and got a taste of what my future will look like. I think I handled it quite well. My Dad has always been the quiet behind the scenes dad who wasn't very involved, but lo and behold, he surprised me and got me my traditional ice cream cake my mom would have always bought with my favorite color icing. The fact that he knew to do this and remembered to make it yellow melted my heart. Now that I am preparing to be a parent, it seams as though I notice the little things my parents do more and more and I respect and love the effort that they put into showing us that they care.

Big Boy Fisher
Adults Cake at the party..mmmm

   After that, my coworkers came through and my boss even gave me the afternoon off. Then dinner to my favorite restaurant with good friend, and a spa event with another tonight which ended in both of us winning facials worth almost $300 dollars. A perfect thing to schedule for after baby.
   Here is to another year older, full of many changes and growth. I hope by the time I am 27 I know more about myself and have settled into my new role as a mom..

My birthday dinner with my friend Suz

Flowers from Suz

                                            Until next time,
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A New Chapter Has Begun