Independence is a Virtue For a Toddler

Wild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourWild Rosebuds on allowing her three year old independance to correct his irrational behaviourThis Sunday, we had a busy day going from our favorite small ocean town of Mahone Bay, to picking up our pumpkins we planted this spring in the center of our province at Ross Farm Museum. This type of a day would usually be stressful for me, especially since Poppy arrived. But, with each passing day, I learn a bit more about parenting and have realized as of late that independence is a virtue for a toddler.I took this independence theory and tested it out. I didn't force Aubrey to hold my hand and let him do his own thing as we continued on our day. In the past, I would be scared to death of him running away, or touching and breaking things he shouldn't. But, he seemed so much more calm and patient when I allowed him to go on his own. Yes, there were still verbal cues every 10 minutes or so,  but overall, he handled himself like a little grown up. Who knew that such a little change in the way that we treat him would cause such a huge change in the way that he acts. He was able to problem solve, he showed us that he knows the rules and safety of the roads, and he also earned my trust in being able to go on his own.Parenting is hard. I throw in the towel at least once a day and in no way am I perfect. But, by learning through testing new ways out instead of resorting to discipline, I believe I am becoming a better parent and would even consider the fact that I am growing with Aubrey. Our relationship is growing, and I need to let go of some of those reigns that I have had on him since birth. I need to sit back and learn from him for once.Katie Rose


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