Our Baby Is a.....

febhome-1Well, it's official. After 20 weeks of guesses and gut feelings, We finally found out if we are having a boy or girl. Friday morning started bright and early as we headed to Halifax for the appointment, dropping Aubrey off at daycare along the way. It would have been nice for him to have been apart of it, but trying to get a 2 year old to sit still in a room filled with untouchables would have been next to impossible. So, Rob and I ventured on. It must have been our day because we were the first ones there and the first called in. We got comfy and my belly gelled up. As the Ultrasound tech started her thing, Rob and I watched the screen and started getting serious with what we think this little gem would be, all the while hoping that everything looked perfect and healthy.Usually with an ultrasound here in Nova Scotia, you aren't allowed to find any information out until you hear it straight from your doctor. But, sitting watching those gender reveal photos being taken for 30+ minutes, you pretty much get the idea of it.Leaving the Ultrasound, we were ecstatic! The baby had 10 fingers, 10 toes, four limbs and a cute nose and mouth. Oh, and we were 95% sure of the gender which made us even happier.Saturday Afternoon I answered a Private number call, which I never do, and it turned out to be our Doctor. she started the call by saying,"I hope you like PINK"And there it was, we were officially welcoming a little girl into our crazy family. I can hardly wait. Now, I can start a real bond with her in my belly as I now know more about her.Let the shopping begin!!Katie Rose xoпорно видео взрослыеtop 10 binary options brokersаудиокнигипокрышки nokianбанк хоум кредит бесплатный телефонкредит для снгхоум кредит банк бесплатный номер1000000 рублей в кредит


The Modern Day MuuMuu


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