The True Post Baby Body

Wild Rosebuds: My Post Baby Mom Bod Wild Rosebuds: My Post Baby Mom Bod Wild Rosebuds: My Post Baby Mom Bod Wild Rosebuds: My Post Baby Mom Bod Wild Rosebuds: My Post Baby Mom BodIt has been 11 days since I gave birth. My body is healing and slowly, I am seeing it take shape from the baby belly, to a post baby mom belly. The truth is soft and jiggly and my skin is stretched and loose. I had gained close to 40lbs by the time I delivered and still have a good 15 to lose. But I have faith that my muscle memory won't fail me and that I will soon learn to love the body I now have. This body made 2 beautiful humans. And although it doesn't look great at the moment, that will only last a few months, where my children will last a life time.My game plan is simple. It is the same as I had with Aubrey. I will walk everyday that mother nature allows, eat healthy and regularly so that I can feed my little girl, and use Belly Bandit to help my stomach muscles return back to their former glory. Having wrapped my post baby belly with Aubrey, I saw amazing results and was feeling confident in a bikini a mere 5 weeks post baby. This time, with it being my second, I don't expect as fast of results but know they will come in due time.If you don't know much or anything about wrapping your belly post baby, I'll give you a quick little run down. Used in many countries around the world, Women bind their post baby bellies immediately after birth 24/7 for the first 6 weeks. thats where the Belly Shield and Belly Bandit come in. This is done for many reasons. It helps shrink your uterus back to its regular size, aids in guiding your abs back into place and helping prevent and treat diastasis recti which is when your Abs separate. It also helps your back with extra support as you make your way back to your smaller self.With Belly Bandit, It doesn't just end there. Once you have completed the wrapping stage, you can then follow up with their Mother Tucker Corset which helps you feel confident in your clothes even after the 6 weeks.I am only on the first stage of my post pregnancy journey back into shape, but keep following along to see what I'm doing, and what my results are.Katie Rose 


Settling In


Poppy Ruth's Birth Story