5 Ways To Prepare Your Home For The Unexpected Visitor
With Spring literally a within an arms reach away, I am itching to get out. That comes in many forms, both being more active and being more friendly. Spring is perfect for those long drives to get out of the house. This usually ends up in those last minute texts to your friends saying that you are close by and are they home for a visit. I for one, know this all too well living in a community on the Lighthouse Route which is perfect for a Sunday drive.
I have a few things for you to keep on hand in your home at all times so that you are always prepared for those last minute stop ins and are confident when they happen.
Fresh Flowers
Rob and I like to pick up a fresh bouquet of flowers every weekend, not only in case of visitors, but also to brighten the house for ourselves throughout the week. The great thing about flowers is that, even if the house is a disaster, seeing flowers lightens the mood and makes you not really notice the mess as much. We usually buy one large batch like these gorgeous ones from Piccalily by Pete's and break it up into smaller vases around the house to save on money. If your budget cannot afford weekly flowers, Michaels sells great quality silk flowers and also have deals often. Or, like we do in the Summer, pick from your own yard and surroundings.
Tea And Coffee
I don't know if it is the British in me, or maybe it's one of those friendly East Coaster things, but tea and coffee in our house is huge when we have visitors. Nothing makes you feel more welcome in a home, than being offered a cup of tea or coffee. I always recommend that you keep options of both, including both regular and decaf. It looks even better when you are able to give options ;)A Great Pair Of SlippersI have said this before on a previous post about my Birdies Slippers, but, having a great looking pair of slippers not only is good for yourself on a day to day basis but can also make you look more put together for those surprise guests. throwing a pair of slippers like these Birdies on, even if you are in Leggings and a sweater, add a je ne sais pas to the outfit.
Easy To Toss On Outfit
If you are given a heads up, its always great to have a got to outfit that you know you can throw on, feel comfortable in, and entertain in with ease. Having Loose fitting pants like my new favorite culottes, or even a blouse that can jazz up the old rip jeans you may already have on, will work. Because, we all know that when we think we look better, we act more confident (even if the house is a disaster)
The First Room Of The House Tidy
Ok, so, this last one is the hardest, especially with kids. But, once you get the hang of it and are brainwashed into doing it, I swear it gets easier. Having the first room that someone walks into in your home tidy, can make you entertain with ease. We are lucky that with the way our house is laid out, our living room (the kids disaster zone) is off our somewhat open concept Dining/kitchen area so that it is hidden from sight. When you walk into our home, the first room is the dining room. it's very minimal with furniture and has a great feel about it. We try and makes sure it always looks presentable so that people think we have our stuff together. Unfortunately, we also have to keep our kitchen pretty tidy as well because of the open concept. Well, and also because.....#eastcoastkitchenparties. But, again dishes can be hidden in a dishwasher (or a cupboard ;))And that is it. My 5 ways to prepare your home for the unexpected visitor. Also, head to the slider below to shop my look and similar household items xo