28 Weeks and Boycotting Pants

28 weeks pregnant 28 weeks pregnant 28 weeks pregnant 28 weeks pregnant 28 weeks pregnant 28 weeks pregnant 28 weeks pregnant

My Look: Dress, Jacket(similar), Watch(similar), Necklace and bracelet

Ok So Tomorrow marks my 28th week of this whole pregnancy thing. I have decided to may a vow to myself. I remember doing this with Aubrey as well but because I was working as A chiro assistant, the vow didn't begin until I was on maternity leave at 36 weeks. This time, 8 week sooner than last, I am BOYCOTTING PANTS....every time I can. So, using an awesome event I had this weekend as my excuse, I headed out to stock up on these so comfortable super stretch dresses. And guess what....I think the weather is on my side with this one. April is on its last weeks, and the sun and above 0 weather has decided to stick around since I began to brave the bare legged look.

Us Moms have to go through so much during pregnancy and I feel a bit more pretty and put together when I am in a dress. That, plus the fact that i'm pretty sure this bump of mine has grown out of everything but leggings in my closet, has me all "hello dress". Forever 21 seems to be my go to for them, because anything you wear during pregnancy, you usually are sick of by the time baby is here. They have great dresses at price points that allow you to throw them to the side as soon as the babe is here and not to worry about ruining them by stretching them out. Check out My link below of all of my favourite dresses to throw on at the moment as well as all of the pieces from this look.

Katie Rose xo