A Beach Walk With Sanuk

feb-1 feb-2 feb-3 feb-4 feb-5

My Style: Booties c/o Sanuk, Jeans - American Eagle, Shirt- Lululemon, Sweater- Gap

First of all, welcome to my new neighborhood. On top of this pregnancy thing going on, we are also in the middle of a big move to a house closer to my parents and out of the city. This beach is about a 2 min. drive away from our new home. I cant wait for it to be over and settled in. We officially move in at the end of the month but with so much stuff to pack, we have been slowly driving carloads down for the next few weeks. OMG, the color though. The painting will take the longest as the whole house is a mismatch of yellows. Yellow was my favorite color but after this house, that may have changed. Nothing some white paint couldn't fix.

As for my pregnancy, I went and had my 2nd prenatal appointment today and we got to hear the heartbeat right away. This little baby was at the front of my belly and wanted to make an appearance. With a slower heart rate of 140 bpm, I think that means a girl from the wives tales, am I right? My nausea is subsiding and I'm starting to get excited to find out if this baby is a he or she.

My pregnancy style is all over the place but for now I seem to be living in easy Jeans and a Tee while I work away on getting this house packed. The key to a great comfortable outfit, is comfortable shoes! Since the Ugg style boot is back with a vengeance, I fell in love with these made for the sand Sanuk boots. They are a dream to put on with this growing belly of mine and seem to match everything I've been wearing lately. Made with premium suede, and soft lining, I'm sure you will love them too.

Katie Rose xo

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