Give Me All Of The Florals

Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity dress Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity dress Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity dress Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity dress Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity dress Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity dress Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity dress mothersday-10 mothersday-9

My Look: Dress, Shoes(similar), Bracelet

Ok so I am not sure if its because I have a little girl growing in my belly, or I have just matured considerably. But, this whole dresses everyday thing is pretty darn awesome. After becoming obsessed with the Blogs and Insta Feeds of Gal Meets Glam and Margo and Me, I literally want my whole wardrobe to change from the mess of different styles, to being all girly all the time. GIVE ME THE FLORALS. Being pregnant, It is hard to find great girly dresses that aren't too matronly, so when I came across Tiffany Rose, I jumped for joy. Each dress is manufactured in England and even shows on the tag where in England that specific dress came from. Pretty cool hey! And it doesn't end at the tag. This has to be the most flattering, well made dress that I have put over this bump. So, of course it was a shoe in for my Mother's Day look.

Speaking of Mother's Day, We spent the morning getting ready as a family. Rob had to work, like always. But, had the morning off to spend with us. This year we decided to do things different. We usually head to a nice restaurant and enjoy a brunch all together. That just didn't seem right this year. With a busy toddler who can't sit still, and a 7 month old nephew who just wants to be on the move, we decided to throw a brunch at my parents. My mom is the perfect hostess and always loves to throw these fun events. So, Aubrey and I got dressed, and headed to her place for 10am to help her with the food. Well, I guess its more like I helped, he went and dug for worms with my dad for fishing. I didn't take any pictures of the spread but trust me when I say, it was all delicious. Everyone was so relaxed and it felt so much less stuffy and stressed than when we go out. So,we have decided to do that every year now. Gotta love making new traditions :)

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you moms. Whether you held a baby in your tummy, arms, or heart, your deserve to be spoiled.

Katie Rose

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