Shop Wild Rosebuds

@shopwildrosebuds for items that you see on and @wildrosebudsblog SO......I did something today. I cleaned out my closet. You see, after baby number two, my body isn't the way it used to be. I will write a post on this very soon, but until then, lets just say that I need to move on to accept that fact. That means, starting with my closet and what I haven't worn since Poppy joined us.But, as I took a look around my mess of a bedroom with the mounds of clothing piled onto the bed, I realized many of you had asked about those items, either when I had posted them on here or on my Instagram. So, I thought, why not start a shop for you. And thats what I did. In this shop, you will eventually find everything from clothing and shoes, to baby items and other items I may have blogged about in the past but have either not used as much as I had hoped or had gotten a newer version.Here is how it works. Start by following me on Instagram, my new account is @shopwildrosebuds.  From there, you will see all of the items listed for sale. If I have worn them on the blog in the past, I will share a photo of me wearing it. Otherwise, It will be of just the item. Go to the post you want to purchase, and comment on the photo with your PayPal email address. From there, if you are the first to comment, I will send that address an invoice for that item and price as listed plus $10 for shipping in Canada and $15 for shipping to the States. Once I have received your payment for the item, I will ship it out. If I have not received payment within 24hours, it will go back on the Instagram site to be sold. Hopefully that is straight forward. If not, please don't hesitate to let me know.LETS GO SHOPPING!katie-rose


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