A Day Of Hearts

hearts Hearts hearts heartsPhoto Credit: Rob DecoeliHeartsHeartsHeartsWhen we think Valentines, Hearts are the first thing that comes to mind. Today in our house, is all thing hearts. This morning started off with a last minute early run to the store to pick up flour. I needed it to make my moms baking soda biscuits. Of course, instead of using a round cup to cut them out, I used a heart cookie cutter. They were so tasty that I`m pretty sure rob has already at 5-6 of them. While Aubrey coated his Valentines outfit with Avocado at lunch (hence no photos), I took on a pinterest project of cupcakes with hearts in the center. Well, it definitely doesn't look like the picture, but half turned out. They taste great and that's all that matters. We will end our love day with a date in. No babysitters, no expense. That doesn't mean not getting dressed up though, so above is my Valentines outfit. I found this dress a few years ago at a Winners, fell inlove and went to 3 different ones to find my size. once I got it home, I have never warn it. Tonight is the night to break it out with my new heels for our fabulous night in.Happy Valentines all you lovebirds,Katie Rose xoNexen Winguard SPORTсекс узбекский видеоschillings to dollarslesbian nannyкредит на теле 2кредит 1000000 на 10 летбанки кирова кредитыдебет 60 кредит 91


Project 52: Week 6


Happy Birthday Mom!