New Year and New Goals New year New New year New year New year New year New year 

My Look: Sweater- Banana Republic, Skirt- Smart Set, Scarf- Joe Fresh, Boots- Shoemint, Watch- Aldo

 Its a new year and with that brings me to spend time thinking of how I want 2015 to be, and what I want to set myself up for. With that, comes goals, small ones that are totally attainable, to make the end goal of this coming year a reality. This blog really is my passion and love. As I sat during nap time thinking about these goals, I realized they all relate to this blog. I want to share a few with you because in sharing them, that means I become accountable to strive for them right?So, here we go

  • Create a more zen Office- at the moment our home office is a mess of things we need to store but don't want to risk putting in our humid basement. That is definitely affecting my want to blog after a long work day. Id like a place that feels like an escape after a busy day of talking to people about their issues. Which brings me to my next goal
  • Blog more regularly- I would love to use the calendar to schedule posts for you readers so that you know what is coming and what to look forward to each day. Life gets in the way of this and I put family time first so I forgive myself for that, but its you the readers I owe that to.
  • A wider array of topics- when this blog began, it was mostly about life, and a lot about the things that make me happy like cooking, baking, crafts and fashion. Lack of time has caused me to not be able to stay focused on doing the things I love. I need to start doing things for me, start a good balance again.
  • Be more involved with my readers- You all are why I still have this blog after almost 2 years. But yet, I feel like I'm not sure who my readers are. I would love to create some way of getting to know you and what you would love to hear more or less about when it comes to this blog. Keep a watch for when I find out how.
  • Be more present- Yes I know I said this was about my blog but I will admit that I am an instagram junkie and in this business you have to be. But I want to make an effort to be more present, more present with my family, my friends that I feel I have lost touch with since becoming a mom, and more present in the community. Many fun events get held here in Halifax, and I would love to get to experience them for myself. Maybe its time to hire that babysitter we have talked about.

Thank you to my readers for your constant love, I wish so much success and good fortune to you in 2015.Katie Rose xoчто лучше ламинат или паркетная доскаfemale escort services in singapor2008 porsche 911 turbo car covertraders psychology of tradingхоум кредит банк ростовкредит toyotaбанк хоум кредит пермьхоум кредит тверь адреса


A Day Of Quiet in Joe Fresh


2014- My Biggest Moments