5 Tips To Start Training For A 10 Km Race

Wild Rosebuds: Top 5 tips for starting to run I thought since my last post was about self-love and fitness, I'd keep that going for today's post. Many of you have been asking questions about my training that I am doing for the 10 km race in two weeks. I love all the feedback that I am getting from all of you. It is seriously keeping me accountable and making me get the runs in.But, instead of answering each one of you individually about how I train, I thought I'd put together 5 tips that I swear by to get ready for the 10 km. I have talked about running many times on here so you may have already heard me say some of these. But, no matter how many times I say it, they still hold strong.So here they are, my top 5 Tips for training for a 10km.


You all have to start somewhere. What that looks like is up to you. I always say to start small. but you won't get anywhere if you don't go throw on those sneakers and get yourself outside.


Now that you have your gear on, plan a route or even just a landing mark to get to. I like to start off with 2 km. So, figure out a landmark that is 1 km from your home or work. Run to that landmark. Now that you are there, you have to get home somehow. Doing this forces you to get in the kms.


If you know anything about intervals, then I am sure you know that they are great not only for your cardiovascular system but also for burning calories. They are also great for training. I like to use time. Challenge yourself to run 1 minute and walk 20 seconds. Once that becomes easy, push the running to 2mins on and 20 seconds walking. I like to always keep my off time to 20-30 seconds of walking. Before you know it, you may only walk once or twice in the run.Wild Rosebuds: Top 5 tips for starting to run


Your body needs time to heal between runs, especially if you aren't used to running. Make sure you treat it good by adding distance slowly. Move that location to 1.25 kms away and so on. Jumping from running a 2km to a 5km in a week will just make you feel like a failure because it will be hard.


This is huge. Walk when your body tells you to. Stop when you need to and only push yourself when you know you are ready for it. You can't run when you are injured. I know this first hand. I had run a 5km this Spring, having not run in over a year. But, I wanted to get in a full 8 km before I headed home. I listened to my legs and canceled 2 mins into the last 3 kms because my legs started to wobble a bit. The next day I was so sore and knew if I had pushed myself, I would have injured something. With an injury, I wouldn't have been able to run. Remember that!


I don't know if it is in my head but I find that running with a running stroller has so many benefits. After having Aubrey I ran with him in our running stroller to train for this same race. I ended up shaving 4 minutes off of my pre baby time but had only ran around 6km max. while I trained. so get out there with your kids. It also takes away many of your time excuses.As always, I love hearing from you. I am no pro runner, just a mom loving that runners high and the feeling of being active but if I have an answer to your questions, I would love to hear from you.Need some new pieces to get you motivated? head below to shop my 10 favorites that are in store now.


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