A September Weekend at Nan's

sept19th-1 sept19th-2 sept19th-3 sept19th-4This past weekend was pumpkin picking at Ross Farm Museum. A tradition in our family each September, and family affair, it sucked when we found out that Rob had to work. But, Aubrey and I headed to my parents little hobby farm for the weekend without him. Aubrey, who is now fully into the car, truck and tractor phase was in heaven when we arrived to see the men haying our field. Tractors and equipment were available for Aubrey to get up close and personal as he examined the tires, and engine like he knew all about them. It was so crazy as a parent to see his mind working so hard to learn.that night was rough with him not wanting to fall asleep and crying to me, asking to go home. But we survived it and early Saturday morning, we packed up the cars with my very pregnant sister and brother-in-law, heading to the farm. It was a quick little visit to all the animals and to grab the pumpkins and then off to Mahone Bay we went for lunch at one of their many amazing cafes.It was a beautiful weekend and the start to Fall in the air. But, family made it the best.Katie Rose xosept19th-5 sept19th-6 sept19th-7 sept19th-8 sept19th-9 sept19th-10 sept19th-11 sept19th-12 sept19th-13 sept19th-14   banc de binary hiringооо полигон украинаТент от солнца Volkswagen для автомобилякурс продажи доллара к рублюэкспресс кредит в кировекредит в салоне мтскредит с 19 лет мужчинамкредит с 20 лет


The 'Get A Job Shirt'


A Happy Birthday to My Love