Aubrey's 1st Easter

WildrosebudsOur Easter TreeWildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds WildrosebudsI never realized how much we looked alike until I saw this picture.Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds WildrosebudsMy mom's Tretorn. They are my go to's when I am homeWildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebudsmy favorite pictureWildrosebudsAll that's left of my Childhood Treehouse. I made that heart and hung it there of 15 years agoWildrosebuds  The Easter Bunny found AubreyLike most holidays, we headed Down to Chester this weekend to celebrate with my Parents. When we arrived home, we saw that my father had put up an Easter tree just like we had as kids. Each year, in the week before Easter, my father would put up a branch he had cut from one of our apple trees and we would decorate it with these lovely ornaments collected throughout the years. We would also add the new ones we had made. Now that Aubrey is here, these traditions start again and I love every minute. Aubrey was getting pretty antsy after an hour or 2 of being there, so I got into my `Chester Clothes`(those items that are comfy but you wouldn't dare wear them anywhere but lounging in the house or adventuring through my parents woods) and off we went for a walk on the logging road between my parents and my grandparents Farm. We decided to test out the hiking style carrier that my Sister had left behind. It was awesome and Aubrey seemed to love it. On the walk we checked out what my dad was cutting and he taught us a few lessons about trees, wood, and the beetles that are ruining some of our forest. It was so nice getting out and see the grass. Unfortunately when we arrived home, Aubrey`s mood hadn't changed until he fell fast asleep for bed.We were woken up bright and early the next morning by the little monster. I swear he's a restless sleeper anyways, but he cant focus on sleep when we are sleeping in the same room. Anyways, we headed down stairs to see the Easter Bunny had found us. Aubrey got a few new books and started reading them right away and pointing to the pictures (his reading is making a `kkkkkk`noise over and over) Rob and I had gotten a few awesome Gift cards that will come in handy. We then after breakfast got to cooking and baking for the potluck that night at my relatives in Falmouth. Unfortunately, I was too busy catching up with my cousins to take pictures, but it was great to see all of the little kids we have playing. Poor Aubrey just longed to chase after the two 8 year olds, and one 4 year boy. Next year bud, I promise.Hope your Easters were just as relaxing,Katie Rose xoPerfeo LT-006 Yellowлазанью приготовитьновинки смартфоныtrevel turденьги в долг город сочипетрокоммерц кредитэкспресс кредит в белгородецентр инвест кредит


Switching Things Up


An Easter Beach Walk