Meeting The Smith's

image image image image image image imageimage  This is time last week, we piled into Rob's mom's SUV and started the 3 hour drive to Moncton, New Brunswick. Rob's brother and family live there and have been waiting 8 long months to meet Aubrey. We spent 2 nights there, visiting Tony, Trish, and their 3 daughters. Aubrey had at least 3 people surrounding and spoiling him with attention at all times, and loved every minute. It was great to have all of Rob's immediate family all together, taking the nieces shopping and watching them bond with Aubrey. The plans have already begun for our next visits together. Beaches, summer, sun, all are things to look forward to And bring our families back together. Hopefully then, we can get a great group photo of of all of us seeing as though I missed that opportunity this trip. Thanks to Tony and Trish for having us!Katie Rose xoPilot Alpin PA4интернет копирайтингтур майские праздникитуры в нгоронгоро апрель 2016секвойя кредит консолидейшн отзывы сотрудниковооо экспресс кредит орелшевроле круз кредиткредитная карта связной кукуруза


The New Face


Sporty Nerdy Chic