DIY Wooden Christmas Tree Ornament

Growing up, each year, my mom would get everything together for us to make handmade ornaments. It was such a fun thing to do as we sat around the dining room table, all 3 of us girls and my mom. Eventually, once we became teenagers, one of the trees in our home was completely filled with these handmade ornaments that brought back memories with each passing year.

I want that for our kids....

Last year, we started thinking up beautifly aesthetically pleasing ornaments that we could make with our kids. we ended up cutting birch tree slices and each kid was able to decorate it with their first letter of their name. It was the perfect addition to our tree.

This year, i started looking at decorating ideas on pinterest for our home. We are all about using as much natural materials in our decor as possible and wanted our holiday decor to match that as well.

I stumbled upon the photo below and LOVED not only the organic nature of it but the simplicity as well. Simple enough in fact that my kids could do it with me. Then, the next day, as I checked out a new design shop that was dripping with gorgeous pieces, there they were in person...for $7 per ornament. I knew we could for sure make them for cheaper and an abundace in no time.

The Wild Decoelis | DIY Wooden Christmas Tree Ornament based off one found on pinterest

What you will need:

  • Package of assorted sized wooden beads
  • thin jute twine
  • scissors
  • tape

I grabbed this package from amazon that came with the assorted beads and twine. We only used the 4 largest beads from the package. You could also get this kit as well.

The Wild Decoelis | DIY Wooden Christmas Tree Ornament


Cut a string around 10-12 inches long and tie a double or tripple knot in one end leaving about an inch of string at the end.

The Wild Decoelis | DIY Wooden Christmas Tree Ornament steps

Take your tape and wrap the other end with it as tight and as thin as possible so that you have a hard end for threading through the beads.

The Wild Decoelis | DIY Wooden Christmas Tree Ornament directions

Start threading on your wooden beads from smallest to largest and back to smallest. You could also do an arangement if sizes and make your own pattern.

The Wild Decoelis | DIY Wooden Christmas Tree Ornament

The Wild Decoelis | DIY Wooden Christmas Tree Ornament

Once you have threaded all the beads that you want, make a large loop at the top and tie a knot at the base. Cut off the remaining end with the tape .

The Wild Decoelis | DIY Wooden Christmas Tree Ornament

You can finish it off by fraying the end where the original knot was, or leave it as is.

I made 20 in totally with the kids each making 5 and myself 10. To make it more kid friendly, I prepped the string with the knot and taped end ahead of time and then had bowls with the beads put in order so that they just had to string the beads on. They had so much fun.

What do you think? is this an ornament you would put on your tree?


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