New Years Resolutions of 2017

Wild Rosebuds New Years Resolutions for 2017 in her Sanuk Parka with Real Coyote FurMany people are saying that 2016 was a rough year. In many ways, they are right! We lost so many legendary people, Americans showed their true side by electing Trump, and there are so many devastating signs that a third world war may happen in our lifetime which breaks my heart.But with all the bad in the world around us, came so much good for my little family. We moved to our possible forever home in the country and started living the relaxed lifestyle we had always wanted to. I started blogging more as a job than as a hobby. We welcomed our beautiful Poppy into the world. Rob got many great things in motion at his job. I started a Social Media Management Company with my best friend and we signed our first client. And that's just the big things.Wild Rosebuds New Years Resolutions for 2017 in her Sanuk Parka with Real Coyote Fur Wild Rosebuds New Years Resolutions for 2017 in her Sanuk Parka with Real Coyote Fur 2016 will be hard to beat but we have so much that we want to do, so many goals that we want to reach. We have had many bad years in the 5 years that we have been together, but last year wasn't one of them. In fact, last year, though still hard, was one of our best. With the help of our family and friends and the love we have for each other, we made it the best we could with what we had to work with.Wild Rosebuds New Years Resolutions for 2017 in her Sanuk Parka with Real Coyote Fur Wild Rosebuds New Years Resolutions for 2017 in her Sanuk Parka with Real Coyote FurWhen it comes to New Years resolutions this year, I am not going to say that I am becoming a 'New' me with a new found life, because frankly, I like where I am and who I have become. But, in saying that, there are things that I want to remind myself to work on.

  • Get back into running for my mental sanity and for balance, with the 10km Bluenose Run and the 10km Chester Cut and Run as my big end goals
  • Spend more one on one time with Aubrey doing things that HE wants to do. Even if that means getting messy.
  • Stop glorifying busy, especially when it comes to my children. There is never anything more important than playing with my kids.
  • Have more date nights with my handsome husband. Because without his support, I couldn't do this life.
  • Stop feeling guilty about taking ME time away from my kids. People want to spend time with them and can handle them just fine.
  • Find my new self. I'm not my pre-kid self, I'm not my one child self, and soon enough Poppy will be independent so I need to figure out who I am now. And that new person needs to be nurtured.
  • Take risks more. With my blog and my life.
  • Travel, even if it means staying in our own province.
  • BUDGET! Because being stressed each month is aging us way too fast and is a killer of marriages.

It is going to take all of 2017 to become successful at these. But with dedication, we can make anything possible.What is your main goal of 2017?     

What We Wore:

My Parka c/o

Rob's Parka c/o

My Purse


Dress c/o


Discovering My Body Dysmorphia


Peach Kentucky Mule Cocktails