How To Create a Cozy Reading Nook For Kids

How To Create a Cozy Reading Nook For Kids | the wild decoelis x IndigoI am sure we all did it. In the corners of our rooms, in our bedroom closets, and even under the kitchen table—we built forts as kids. They were the perfect place to call our safe haven, where we could read books and play make believe, even if they only lasted until bedtime when our parents would dismantle them. We’ve asked the creator of The Wild Decoelis, Katie-Rose, to share her tips on creating a special reading nook in your home just for kids. As parents we see our kids, especially our six-year-old who has begun to read, following the same steps we did as children to create their own spaces—from destroying their closets to taking all the pillows in the house. With school starting again and our three-year-old daughter starting pre-school, we thought it was the perfect time to create a permanent space for them—a reading nook—meant for relaxing and quiet time. Here are six steps to get you started: 

Find A Space.

You can't start designing a space until you have a space. The key for finding the perfect spot is to pick somewhere that can be a permanent reading nook in your home. Either a corner of a bedroom, a closet that is not being used or, like us, a window seat in a family room. You want to find a space where the kids can be comfortable, but that is out of the way from the normal hustle and bustle of the home. How To Create a Cozy Reading Nook For Kids | the wild decoelis x Indigo | Cozy seating

Choose Cozy Seating.

Now that you have your space, figure out where they will sit. A cozy chair or floor cushions can create a comfy place to curl up with a book. For us, it's easy as we have the window bench, but we also love floor pillows, and grabbed a few for the space as well.How To Create a Cozy Reading Nook For Kids | the wild decoelis x Indigo | books

Create A Place For Your Books.

Whether you have a bookshelf fully stacked full nearby, or just a ledge displaying your family’s current favourites, every reading nook needs a home for books. We also love incorporating baskets into the space. This way, there is always room for new reads, and fast cleanup for us parents. How To Create a Cozy Reading Nook For Kids | the wild decoelis x Indigo

Add Warm Accessories. 

The key to any space, whether for adults or kids, is adding the right accessories to match the mood. Going for calming colours and warm textures are the perfect fit for a space like this. We took it up a notch by adding fun textures with faux-fur pillows and a faux-fur throw. Mixing colours like these together allows the space to feel more gender neutral, so that both all children feel at home in the space.How To Create a Cozy Reading Nook For Kids | the wild decoelis x Indigo | window seat

Curate Your Family’s Favourite Books.

The main element in any reading nook is obviously the books. We went with a mix of our kids’ favourites—some are great for us to join and read aloud to them, some are for my son Aubrey to read independently, and of course, there are a few activity books for quiet time. Some of our favourites right now are The Dinosaur That Pooped The Bed (Can you guess whose favourite that is?), The Paper Bag Princess, and the forever-favourite I Spy books which are great for quiet time.There’s nothing like a good snuggle during reading time, so we always encourage the kids to bring their favourite stuffies to the nook with them. These bunnies were gifts that we bought each of the kids at birth. The three bunnies are now best friends and have found a home away from their beds during the day. Adding stuffed animals to any space makes it feel more welcoming to kids, and they’re easy to throw into a basket when you want the space to feel a bit more adult. A reading nook doesn't have to take up a lot of space, time or money. Adding a floor pillow next to a bookshelf, or shelving by your child’s bed is all you need. As long as the space is warm and welcoming, kids will gravitate to it. All they need is a space that feels like their own, and encouragement to pick up a book. In our family, the kids love when we read to them, even if it's in the middle of the day. Getting lost in the adventure of a good book outweighs TV and iPads any day. It just takes putting the books in front of them to get started. Katie-Rose &Rob      Thanks to Indigo for supporting my family by sponsoring this post.


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